The DFL Feminist Caucus would like to thank Governor Mark Dayton for the vetoing of HF201, HF936 and the HHS Budget bill(has a Gag Rule). By vetoing these bills the Governor is rejecting the attack on women and the effort to insert government into their lives and their reproductive health and choices.
Governor Dayton, a long-time advocate and supporter of a women’s right to make her own health and reproductive decisions says in his veto letters that the bills “infringe upon a woman’s basic right to health and safety.”
While the Republican-led legislature, with the help of a few DFLer’s, tried to limit access and even prohibit the ability to discuss certain reproductive choices. Governor Dayton, with his veto pen, has shown that he values women and their ability to make their own decisions. Government should not be used to write one’s social agenda and religious beliefs into law.
Thank you Governor Dayton for your leadership. By standing up for ALL women and their right to make their own health and reproductive choices you are making a better Minnesota for everyone.
Laura M. Nevitt
DFL Feminist Caucus