Ok, not really, but we need to start talking about the issue differently. Those of us on the left who believe in a woman’s right to make their own health and reproductive choices, got the issue hijacked from us back in the 70’s. It became just about abortion – whether you were for it or against it and the rest of the issue got lost. Shall we say, the baby got tossed out with the bath water (or is that a little to much!)?
As this issue has come up a lot recently, given all the legislation being put forth, both locally and nationally, I am still struck by the idea that the conversation still centers on, just abortion. (Daily Kos has a great series running on all this legislation)
As those on the left debate within their own party whether choice is a primary value of the party or whether its ok to let some slide on this issue because of the districts they live, the language and discussion is still just about abortion and not about choice and equality. I would still hold that the value of being able to make your own choices and valuing women IS a primary value of the Democratic Party.
As I tried discussing my belief (that comes from working in these areas) that whether you live in a Red, Blue or Purple district, if you learn how to frame the issue, you can make it work - its about the value, not the medical procedure - I was called delusional, not understanding the math, it was just about me, I was trying to create a purity test for my party and on and on.
So, with all this animosity and resistance within my own party, the party that is supposed to be supportive of this issue, how are we to move the discussion outside to unfriendly territory if we can’t even have the discussion inside with friends?
So, let’s stop talking about abortion and start talking about women and families making their own choices.